Building News
working towards state-of-the-art education facilities across the Trust
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First published on the Alderman White School and The Bramcote School websites on 26th March 2015.
We are a truly comprehensive Federation where all students are welcomed and thrive, and all are given every opportunity to achieve to their highest potential. We are rooted in our local community, make a positive contribution to the life of our local area and work in harmony with our feeder primary schools. Staff and students in the Federation behave with integrity, honesty, openness and respect, are committed to the principle of equality, and display tolerance and acceptance towards others. We manage our Federation in an environmentally sensitive, sustainable manner.
First Published on 2nd February 2016 on the Alderman White School and Bramcote School Websites. Also published on 10th February 2016 in issue 82 of the Federation Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and ALL parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Federation Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address, They also published on the Alderman White School, The Bramcote School and Bramcote College websites for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of issue. Archive copies of The Federation Newsletter are available on request.
As you know, we have been developing plans to improve or replace our school buildings for some time now. Our vision is that our students are educated in the highest quality fit-for-purpose school buildings, with excellent facilities and equipment, at the centre of our local community. Over the last eighteen months, the Directors of The Federation Trust have been working with a range of partners to move this vision forward, including architects, planning authorities, commercial organisations and representatives from local government. We have also been in consultation with community groups in our local area.
First Published on 18th March 2016 on Alderman White School and The Bramcote School Websites
We have opened a consultation document, attached below. Please return via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The consultation is now open and will run until Sunday 1st May. Thank you for your interest and support.
As you know, we recently announced our plans for Phase 1 of our new school building project. This involves moving out of The Bramcote School site and relocating the students in the current Bramcote College building, and using the proceeds of the sale to build a new 6th Form building. We propose to move from the current Bramcote School site at the end of the next school year, in July 2017. I have had many conversations with staff, students, parents and members of the local community since our announcement, and I am delighted with the positive response.
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