The Trustees, governors and employees of the Trust aim for all our students to benefit from an outstanding quality of education and services, within a happy, safe and caring environment. If we have failed to live up to these high standards, we want to know about it. The outcome of a complaint will be used to reflect on the services provided by The White Hills Park Trust or at school level, and if necessary, to improve processes.
The complaints policy applies to all schools within The White Hills Park Trust. All schools are required by law to have a policy which deals with the handling of concerns and formal complaints. The White Hills Park Trust complaints policy may be used by parents and carers, students of the Trust and members of the wider Trust community including other stakeholders.
The complaints policy draws a distinction between a concern and a complaint. Taking informal concerns seriously at the earliest stage helps to support early resolution and can be beneficial to both complainant and the Trust. Wherever possible, concerns will be handled without recourse to formal procedures.
Our full complaints policy outlining the process for concerns or formal complaints to be raised can be downloaded below:
Complaints Policy 
Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing)
The White Hills Park Trust are committed to providing services with the utmost integrity. However, the Chief Executive Officer and the Trustees recognise that all organisations face the risk of wrongdoing, or of unethical conduct happening within the organisation, which they are not aware of. The Trust recognise that a member of staff may be the first to realise if something is wrong within The White Hills Park Trust. However, they may not want to express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would somehow be disloyal to their colleagues or to the Trust.
The Trust wish to encourage a culture which is open and honest and it hopes that any concerns would be identified and spoken about while they still remain at a low-level, however, like any large organisation the Trust recognise that issues may arise that the Trust has not been aware of.
The policy is designed to ensure that all staff including volunteers and supply staff, can raise any concerns about wrongdoing or malpractice within the Trust without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination, or disadvantage. It is also intended to encourage and enable them to raise serious concerns within the Trust rather than ignoring a problem or ‘blowing the whistle’ outside of the Trust
Please see our Confidential Reporting policy below: