Building News

working towards state-of-the-art education facilities across the Trust

Buildings and Improvements (31)

Our New School Is Coming!

First published on 21st April 2017 in issue 128 of the Federation Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and ALL parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Federation Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address. They also published on the Alderman White School, The Bramcote School and Bramcote College websites for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of issue. Archive copies of The Federation Newsletter are available on request.

On Wednesday evening we hosted a consultation event to showcase the designs for the new school building which will house students from The Bramcote School and Bramcote College. It was an extremely positive and popular event and there was a great deal of enthusiasm from the many people who attended. The plans on show were the detailed plans for the new school and college, and the outline plans for the housing development on Coventry Lane, which is the ‘enabling’ development that will fund the new building. We have now posted the plans on the Federation’s website (, and I would encourage parents and students to have a look for yourselves.


Development Proposals Public Exhibition

First published on the website of The White Hills Park Federation Trust on 20th April 2017.

The White Hills Park Federation Trust are pleased to present proposals for the redevelopment of the Bramcote College site, Moor Lane, Bramcote. Proposals include the demolition and redevelopment of the existing college buildings to provide a new state of the art education facility incorporating a secondary school, sixth form centre and associated facilities. In order to finance these ambitious redevelopment proposals an existing area of former school playing fields, located adjacent to Coventry Lane, will be developed for up to 500 residential properties with associated access, infrastructure, open space and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS).


Invitation to a Community Exhibition Consultation

First published on 12th April 2017 via the social media (Facebook & Twitter) accounts of The White Hills Park Federation Trust, The Bramcote School, Bramcote College, and Alderman White School.  Also, emailed to all parents/carers of every student within The White Hills Park Federation Trust for whom we hold a valid email address.

Invitation to a Community Exhibition Consultation
New School & Residential Development
Moor Lane, Bramcote, Nottingham

This event will provide an opportunity to meet representatives from the Project Team, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We hope that you will be able to attend, so that we may learn about any local issues that may need to be considered before the application is submitted.

The exhibition will be held on:
Wednesday 19th April 2017
from 3pm - 7pm at Bramcote College
Moor Lane, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3GA


Buildings Project Update And Consultation

First published on 24th February 2017 in issue 122 of the Federation Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and ALL parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Federation Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address. They also published on the Alderman White School, The Bramcote School and Bramcote College websites for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of issue. Archive copies of The Federation Newsletter are available on request.

As you will know from recent Newsletters, our buildings project is progressing rapidly at the moment, and we are now entering the detailed school design stage. Although recent progress has been extremely encouraging, there is a lot to do in a relatively short space of time to meet our target of being in the new buildings by September 2019, including obtaining the necessary agreements, marketing and selling land, completing the design of the school, vacating The Bramcote School, carrying out public consultations, engaging a contractor, carrying out surveys and so on. Many of these things are happening simultaneously, and indeed many have already begun.

Over the next six weeks, we will be having the first of the formal legal consultations that will form part of the process. We are asking for your views on two aspects of our plans, both of which are essential to delivering the overall project. Firstly, the proposal to sell the former playing fields on Coventry Lane. This is the land that will be sold to finance the development of our new schools. Although it is in the ownership of the Federation Trust, it has not been used as a school playing field for many years, and has been identified by Broxtowe Council as a suitable site for housing.

Secondly, we are also seeking views on the proposed move from the Bramcote School site, which would mean returning the lease of the site of the existing school buildings to the Local Authority. It would not affect the ownership or use of the running track and playing fields on Moor Lane adjacent to Bramcote Hills Primary School. These will remain available for the use of our students, and the students of Bramcote Hills Primary and Foxwood Schools.


Consultation - February to April 2017

First published on the website of The White Hills Park Federation Trust on 27th February 2017 in line with reference in previous article: "The formal consultation letter will be published on our websites from Monday"
As a result of the earlier significant change application resulting in the re-location of Bramcote School to the Bramcote College site in Autumn 2017 and the closure of the Bramcote School site, The White Hills Park Federation Trust have undertaken some significant work in relation to the re-provision of the Bramcote School.

Both the Bramcote School and Bramcote College sites have surplus playing field land, and therefore the detached playing field adjacent to Coventry Lane has been identified for disposal to support the re-provision of the Bramcote School which will result in improved facilities for the student, school and the local community.

Notice is hereby given that the White Hills Park Federation Trust intends to apply to the Secretary of State for the disposal of the detached playing fields adjacent to Coventry lane under Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010 and Section 77 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.  This area is approximately 10 Hectares of land, which has not been used for over 8 years.  Discussions are being held with both Broxtowe Borough Council and Nottingham County Council with respect to the future use of this land.

Notice is also given that The White Hills Park Federation Trust intends to apply to the Secretary of State for the return of the lease of the main Bramcote School site to Nottingham County Council under Schedule 1 of the Academies Act 2010.  This is approximately 4.7 hectares and incorporates only the school buildings.   No decision has been taken at this time regarding the future use of this site.

The consultation period will run from Monday 27th February to Sunday 9th April inclusive.  The White Hills Park Federation Trust would like to receive your response should you either support or reject the proposals above, and would be very grateful to any parents, friends or members of the local school community who take the time to respond to the short survey.  We will also be asking parents to give their views at any school events that are held during the consultation period, and there will also be a public consultation event on Wednesday 29th March 2017* if you wish to find out more about the proposals, see the detail of the school plans, and give your comments and suggestions. This will be an opportunity to see the whole project coming to life, and to understand how the new schools will look and operate.

The online consultation can be accessed via the following link:

*Public consultation event date changed to Wednesday 19th April 2017


Buildings Survey

First published on 13th January 2017 in issue 117 of the Federation Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and ALL parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Federation Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address. They also published on the Alderman White School, The Bramcote School and Bramcote College websites for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of issue. Archive copies of The Federation Newsletter are available on request.

Last week, I wrote about the excellent progress we are making with our new buildings. We are very keen to receive input from our parents and members of the local community. We have a short survey that can be accessed via the Buildings and Improvements pages of our website* – we would be very pleased to hear your views.

*Survey now closed.  20/02/2017


An Update On Our Redevelopment Project

First published on 6th January 2017 in issue 116 of the Federation Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and ALL parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Federation Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address. They also published on the Alderman White School, The Bramcote School and Bramcote College websites for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of issue. Archive copies of The Federation Newsletter are available on request.

First of all, I would like to wish all of our families and friends a very happy and successful 2017 from everyone at White Hills Park – I hope and trust you had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas season.

On arriving at Bramcote College today, many of the students will have seen workmen around the site, carrying out the detailed topographical survey that will form part of the planning application for our new school buildings. It is an incredibly exciting start to 2017 to see this vital project moving forward so well and we are now looking forward to developing and submitting detailed plans.


New School Building Project Announced

First published on 11th July 2014 in issue 22 of the Federation Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and ALL parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Federation Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address, They also published on the Alderman White School, The Bramcote School and Bramcote College websites for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of issue. Archive copies of The Federation Newsletter are available on request.

I am delighted to inform parents of our exciting and ambitious plans to build new ‘state of the art’ school buildings, enabling us to pursue the next stage of the Federation’s vision of a true community school serving our surrounding area.

The £20 million plus project will lead to the complete rebuilding of The Bramcote School and Bramcote College and the transformation of Alderman White School.  As well as high quality and well-equipped classrooms, the buildings on The Bramcote site will include new science and technology areas, indoor and outdoor sports facilities and a theatre and performance area, all of which will allow us to extend the use of our facilities by the local community. In the Autumn, we will also take possession of two premium quality sports pitches on land that is about to be transferred into the Federation ownership.

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