Are you interested in becoming a governor in the White Hills Park Trust?
We are a small local Trust with high-achieving schools who share an ethos of inclusion and offer a broad and rich curriculum. Our schools are at the heart of their communities and the local governing body of each school plays a vital role in providing support and challenge.
We welcome expressions of interest
We would love to hear from anyone who has an interest in serving their community in this important role. No prior experience is necessary, and full training will be provided.
Please email Susanna Atassi Wagner, our Governance Manager, on, remembering to leave your contact details, and in the message please detail your:
- Reasons for interest
- Relevant skills and experience
- Existing relationship with schools in the Trust
answering as fully as possible.
If you would like to have a phone conversation about the role, please ask for a call back as part of the message, or if you would like any more information at all please feel free to email Susanna on the address above.
We look forward to hearing from you.

What do governors do?
The Local Governing Body (LGB) of each academy meets at least 3 times a year to assure the highest quality provision, safeguarding and equality of opportunity for all pupils, and effective support and management of staff. Through formal reviews the LGB robustly considers school performance.
The LGB considers:
- The Academy Principal’s Report – self-evaluation against current OFSTED criteria and any other criteria set by the LGB or the Trust
- Impact of key actions from the Academy Improvement Plan
- Monitoring activities undertaken by the academy
- Local and contextualised issues
- Direction from the Trust Board