In the White Hills Park Trust, we believe that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. We are committed to practise in a way that protects them. The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the aspects of safeguarding and child protection that are common across the Trust.
Each school in the Trust has an individual policy published on their website which is fully compliant with the Trust policy and which has been written with regard to the school’s individual context. The school policy should be read in conjunction with the Trust policy. The White Hills Park Trust requires each individual academy within the Trust to have safeguarding arrangements which meet statutory requirements, reflect the requirements of our Local Authority and comply with any additional expectations of good practice, determined by the Trust.
Trust Named staff and contacts
Designated Trust Safeguarding Lead
Sam Mansah
Deputy Designated Trust Safeguarding Lead
Jacqueline Sainsbury
Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/s at each of the Trust's academies can be found from each academy’s safeguarding policy on their respective websites:
The Florence Nightingale Academy
Nominated Safeguarding Trustee
Sue Vasey
The first port of call, for raising safeguarding concerns related to an academy within the Trust, should ordinarily be to the Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead, or to the Headteacher of each academy. If this route is unavailable or inappropriate, contact The White Hills Park Trust at
School and Local Authority Policies and Contacts
Please check each individual academy’s Safeguarding Policy for further details of school and Local Authority contact points, together with other locally determined arrangements.
Trust Policy
Our Trust Safeguarding Policy can be viewed here:
Safeguarding Policy 
Physical Intervention
It is anticipated at schools within The White Hills Park Trust that our commitment to safeguarding, our policies, and our responsibility to protect the welfare of young people will ensure their behaviour is safe and acceptable. However, there may be occasion when despite all the best efforts of staff there is no alternative than to physically intervene with young people to ensure their safety or the safety of others. Staff in schools have the authority to use reasonable force to prevent a pupil from or continuing to:
- Committing any offence
- Causing personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the person himself) or
- Seriously prejudicing the good order and discipline at the school, whether during a teaching session or otherwise.
The authority to employ physical interventions when necessary is enshrined in Section 93 of the Education and Inspection Act 2006 and restated in the DfE guidance of January 2016 entitled Behaviour and Discipline in Schools – a guide for Head teachers and School staff. The necessary use of any physical intervention at schools within The White Hills Park Trust is taken very seriously, and our policy on physical intervantion can be viewed here:
Use of Physical Intervention Policy 
Working and learning online has become essential part of our work in schools. We recognise and celebrate the role of the Internet in enhancing our work and contributing to pupil outcomes. However, it is clear that there are dangers, and it is the duty of the Trust and its schools to do everything possible to eliminate or mitigate these dangers, and to safeguard young people from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material. We view online safety (also known as e-safety) as a priority and as a crucial part of modern education, and understand our remit as educators not only to ensure good practice in school but also to deliver the education required to allow children to make critical judgements and keep themselves safe when using the Internet outside the school environment.
The Trust's E-Safety policy, detailing the measures we put in place to protect children and staff, and the steps we take to support parents in ensuring their children can use the internet effectively in a responsible and appropriate way, can be viewed here: