Building News

working towards state-of-the-art education facilities across the Trust

Rebuilding & Refurbishment - Broxtowe Consultation

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First published on 16th September 2016 in issue 103 of the Federation Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and ALL parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Federation Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address, They also published on the Alderman White School, The Bramcote School and Bramcote College websites for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of issue.

As you know, over the last couple of years, we have been involved in negotiations which will result in the rebuilding or extensive refurbishment of buildings in all parts of our Federation. We intend to rehouse The Bramcote School students in a brand new school on the Bramcote College site, alongside a new purpose-built sixth form college. We will also upgrade or replace all of the buildings at Alderman White. In this way, we intend to ensure that our students, and future generations of students are taught in the best possible conditions. It is a hugely exciting vision, and one which has generated great enthusiasm from students, staff and parents.

bviously, the key barrier is finance, since a project of this scale is likely to cost something in the region of £20 million. As discussed in previous Newsletters and announcements, in order to raise this money we intend to sell land that is part of the Federation, but is not used by our students at all, and has not been used for a number of years. To be specific, the area that we would like to sell is the former playing field on Coventry Lane – we believe that this is the area that would be most suitable and have the least impact on the local community. It would be great to take an area that is unused by the school to provide a huge benefit to the local community, both now and in the future. We also believe that this would generate sufficient revenue to finance the project.

We know that our vision of a new school is widely supported, including by our local elected representatives. Over the Summer, Broxtowe Borough Council have identified Bramcote, and specifically the Coventry Lane site as a potential additional site for housing development and launched a consultation to seek community views. It is important to emphasise that approval of this additional site is an absolutely crucial stage in our project. I would encourage parents and friends to access the consultation by using the link below and respond. We are obviously in favour of the move, as it will be a significant step forward in our project, and will bring the vision of a new school closer, but I respect the fact that others may hold different views. However, if you are in support of this, your voice is very important – although any new housing allocation can be controversial, the benefits in this case will be immense for young people in this community.

The consultation closes on Monday October 3rd 2016. Details of the proposals can be found via the following link (Link removed - expired).

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