Building News

working towards state-of-the-art education facilities across the Trust

Green Belt Consultation

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First published on 20th March 2015 in issue 48 of the Federation Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and ALL parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Federation Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address, They also published on the Alderman White School, The Bramcote School and Bramcote College websites for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of issue. Archive copies of The Federation Newsletter are available on request.

On Monday, Broxtowe Borough Council close their consultation on the Green Belt boundary changes. They are proposing that the area of land on which The Bramcote School and Bramcote College sits is removed from the Green Belt and the new boundary will become the railway line to the north of our site. This would seem a logical move, particularly since the Fields Farm development was approved and this is now an isolated area surrounded by development, and the railway line provides a logical and easily-understood boundary.

The proposed changes would also mean that the area that we intend to sell in order to fund the rebuilding and refurbishment of our Federation schools would come out of the Green Belt. Our preferred option is the land at the northern end of Moor Lane that was formerly playing fields. These have not been used by the school for approximately 8 years, and we believe that this is the option that has the widest community support. Over the past year we have met with many local politicians and groups regarding the possibility of selling land for development to raise capital funds to build an education facility that will meet the needs of the community for many years to come. I appreciate that this may not be everyone’s preferred option, however it is clear that we are unable to access the level of external funding required and cannot proceed with our vision without the sale of assets.

We are intending to submit our planning application later this year, regardless of the Green Belt decision, but obviously the fact that the area has been marked for removal would support the application.
We have therefore responded to the consultation by indicating that we are in favour of the proposed changes. I would encourage any of you who have an interest or who support our plans to improve the school buildings and facilities to take part in the consultation. The areas covered by the school are 29 and 31 in the document, which can be accessed by the following link:

I would stress to parents that we are absolutely determined to ensure that your children are taught in conditions that are fit for 21st century education, and we are hugely excited by the possibilities offered by the new buildings. I will keep you updated.

The White Hills Park Trust. A company registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 08195720. Registered Office: Bramcote College, Moor Lane, Nottingham, NG9 3GA.

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