Building News

working towards state-of-the-art education facilities across the Trust

Bramcote College New Build

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First published on 15th July 2022 in issue 333 of the Trust Newsletter. Newsletters are sent to subscribers and to all parents/carers of students at The White Hills Park Trust, for whom we hold a valid email address. They also published on the websites of the Trust  and each of its academies.  Archive copies of the Newsletter are available on request.

As we near the end of term, there are a couple of important items I wanted to share with parents and our school communities. Although they are particularly relevant for our two secondary schools, they also have significance for the Trust as a whole.

Firstly, this week sees the publication of the latest Ofsted inspection report for one of our Trust schools, and the first Ofsted report since we began the expansion of the Trust. As such, it is an important moment for us, and gives a good indication of the effectiveness of our Trust schools. Alderman White was inspected in June, and very securely retained it’s Good judgement. I’d like to congratulate Mrs Mellors, all of her team and the Alderman White students on their continued success – it was a richly deserved judgement.

The report highlights just some of the many strengths of the school, including the excellent pupil behaviour, the broad curriculum, teachers’ deep understanding of their subjects and the high expectations of school leaders. Inspectors recognised the school’s strong sense of community, pupils’ pride in their school and the school’s very effective approach to safeguarding. During the inspection, many parents responded to the online survey, and the results were among the most positive that Ofsted have ever recorded. You can read the report on the school’s website.

The other significant news we have had recently is the progress we have been making with the Bramcote College new build. As you may be aware, we have been working for some considerable time on funding a new school through the sale of unused land. We have now reached the point where the new school design is complete and we are submitting planning permission. The land has been marketed and we have selected a buyer, a national 5- star house builder, which means that funding is in place, and we have signed an agreement with the County Council for the release of the land. The success of these complex negotiations means that the Trust as a whole continues on a very sound financial footing.

The new school will be capable of accommodating 150 pupils in each year group, which is an increase of 30 from our current admission number, reflecting the current popularity of the school, which is oversubscribed. We will also have a 200 place sixth form. Our architects, ARC Partnership, have designed a state of the art school, with outstanding facilities to deliver the full curriculum, fit for purpose for twenty-first century education.

Among the exciting features are a 4-court Community Sports Hall, a full size 3G pitch, a theatre, an outdoor classroom and superb IT infrastructure. The sixth form will be located on the top floor of the building, with a common room and dedicated study facilities. The building will be carbon zero in operation and we will have electric charging points in the car park. We have also made sure that we have a building that is accessible to our local community.

Once planning permission is granted, we will sign build contracts and put a schedule in place. This means that work is scheduled to commence at the start of next year, and we anticipate approximately an 80 week build programme. Plans have been shared with staff and parents at the Bramcote PTA Summer Fair this evening, but you can see details on Bramcote College’s website.
Dr Paul Heery

The White Hills Park Trust. A company registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 08195720. Registered Office: Bramcote College, Moor Lane, Nottingham, NG9 3GA.

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