Before we introduced our Trust Teaching newsletter, we published a series of one-off articles designed to promote discussion and debate, written by specialists within the Trust.

All articles are the original work of education practitioners, based on their own experience research and observation of practice.

I’ve finally found out what ‘British Values’ are

Since Michael Gove introduced the concept of ‘British Values’ in June 2014 it’s always been a contentious concept in our schools – why do values have to have a nationality? Is it the duty of schools to define the values of their communities? New values are emerging, values that seem to represent who we are as a society. The sense of connection and empathy is growing, and I’d like to propose a new list of core Values that British people have rallied around, values that have not always been obvious or fully acknowledged in our society, but have come to the fore in recent weeks.


Could we live without GCSEs?

Will the cancellation of the summer 2020 GCSEs make any substantial difference to where the nation’s 16-year-olds find themselves 6 months later?
GCSEs made sense in a time when age 16 signalled the end of formal education for a huge proportion of the school population. In the modern world, it’s just another point at which young people pick a particular route, in the same way they do when they choose options at the end of Year 9.
What would we lose if GCSEs just didn’t happen? 


Ethical Behaviour in Education

Schools and school leaders face ethical dilemmas regularly, and there has been a growing movement to define what ethical behaviour looks like in schools and then commit to this as our way of working.  The Ethical Leadership Commission has produced the Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education, setting out the key commitments that define ethical educational leadership.


Wild, Wild West – the development of Multi Academy Trusts

The way that the development of the Multi Academy Trust has transformed the educational landscape has been rapid and unpredictable. It has provided innovation and energy and led to notable successes, but it has also brought controversy as a result of actions that have thrown all MATs into disrepute. This article argues that MAT leaders have a duty to uphold the highest ethical standards if the sector is to thrive.


Pupils’ Responses to Scientific Modelling Activities

Action Research into learning gains, modelling knowledge, and pupil opinion. A summary of an action research project investigating whether modelling activities improve pupils’ subject knowledge, scientific modelling knowledge, and their opinions on modelling activities. It uses pre and post test data and questionnaires, along with a focus group to investigate pupils’ understanding. An overview of research carried out for an MA dissertation submitted in May 2017.

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